A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

History of the RAA

The RAA can trace its history back to the creation of the Farmer’s Relief Board in 1932, which was charged with preventing creditors taking action against farmers on debts.

In 1939 the Board became the Rural Reconstruction Board and in 1971 evolved into the Rural Assistance Board whose principal responsibility was for the administration of Commonwealth Rural Assistance Schemes in NSW and the Rural Adjustment Scheme.

Eighteen years later, the NSW Rural Assistance Authority came into being as a result of the Rural Assistance Act 1989, creating an autonomous body within the NSW Public Service. The organisation operated from Sydney in its various guises until early 1997 when it relocated to Orange in central western NSW.

The RAA reports to the Minister for Agriculture and is aligned with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

1932Farmers Relief Board, Farmers Relief Act 1932
1939Rural Reconstruction Board, Rural Reconstruction Act 1939
1971Rural Assistance Board
1989NSW Rural Assistance Authority, Rural Assistance Act 1989