A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Organisational structure

The RAA’s organisational structure allows for a flexible and responsive customer service focus and ensures assistance is provided to rural communities and small businesses effectively and efficiently.

RAA Advisory Board

The NSW Rural Assistance Authority Board is accountable to the Minister for Agriculture and is responsible for: reporting to the Minister on the effectiveness of programs of assistance; the performance of the Authority in the delivery of assistance; and determining the general policies of the Authority. In undertaking these functions, the Board aims to ensure that the activities of the Authority are carried out properly and efficiently.

The RAA Board charter is in place to guide the activity and focus of the Board and set out how the Board will operate.

Chief Executive

Chief Executive of the RAA, Mr Darren Budworth is responsible for leading the organisation and provides a link between the Board members who are independent, and the Government.

RAA Management Team

  • Darren Budworth, Chief Executive Officer
  • Carlie Darling, Manager Strategic Programs
  • Justine Dimond, Manager Operations and Systems
  • Amanda Piper, Manager Customers and Programs
  • Angus Calder, Manager Strategic Finance
  • Tim Gippel, Manager Risk, Policy and Governance

Members of the RAA Risk Policy and Governance Team