A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Preliminary Decision Process

The Preliminary Decision Process allows applicants, assessed and deemed ineligible based on their supporting documents, an opportunity to demonstrate eligibility for the program by providing additional relevant documentation or information to address the ineligible aspects of their application. The RAA will consider this additional information prior to making a final decision regarding the application.

Below are the steps involved if an application does not meet the program's eligibility criteria:

  • The application is assessed by an RAA Assessment Officer
  • The RAA Assessment Officer advises the applicant that the application does not meet the eligibility criteria and explains the Preliminary Decision Process
  • The applicant is afforded 10 days to provide additional supporting documentation for the RAA to consider when making a final decision on the outcome of the application
  • If additional supporting documentation is submitted to the RAA within the allowable timeframe, the application is reassessed (if no additional supporting documentation is provided, the application will be declined)
  • The applicant is advised of the final decision on the outcome of the application.

RAA Preliminary Decision Process Flowchart

Frequently asked questions

An Assessment Officer called me to advise of a preliminary decision – what does this mean and what should I do?

Based on the information provided, your application does not currently meet the eligibility criteria set out in the program guidelines. You should have received an email following your conversation with the Assessment Officer that outlines the eligibility criteria that have not been met.

You have 10 business days from the date of your letter, to provide the RAA with additional supporting information that demonstrates your eligibility.

What is considered additional information?

Documentation that addresses the preliminary decision and the eligibility criteria.

For example, if your preliminary decision email states you do not meet eligibility based on being unable to demonstrate servicing, you would need to supply additional lodged tax returns and financial statements that have not already been considered in the preliminary assessment.

Please note a cash flow forecast is used to support your application, however, it does not influence the outcome.

What happens if I provide additional supporting information during the 10 days?

The Assessment Officer will look at the additional information together with the information provided in the original application and a final decision regarding your application will be made. You will be advised via phone and email of the final outcome.

What happens if I do not provide any additional information?

If you do not provide any additional information in the allowed 10 business day period, your application will be declined. You will be notified of the outcome via email after the 10-day period has lapsed.

My application has been declined – what does that mean?

It has been determined that you have not been able to meet all the eligibility criteria in the program guidelines. Your application is now finalised, and your application is closed.

Am I able to re-apply if I have been declined?

Yes. If, at a later date, your circumstances change and you’re able to provide additional documentation that would support your eligibility for the program, you can re-apply providing the relevant program is still open to applications and submit the additional documentation along with your new application.

What other avenues are there for review?

There are no further avenues for review. For compliments, complaints or suggestions you can use the ‘Your Feedback’ widget located on the right-hand side of all RAA webpages. Alternatively, you can submit a complaint in writing to rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au.