A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Natural Disaster Donated Fodder Transport Subsidy

This scheme provides funding assistance to organisations that donate and transport donated fodder to a central location within NSW for the benefit of three or more primary producers with livestock, in the event of a declared natural disaster.

Applications must be lodged by the close date listed for the relevant disaster event on the Declarations page.

Please refer to the program guidelines for details, including eligibility criteria.

Program guidelines

Assistance available

The scheme will pay for the costs of donating and transporting donated fodder to affected properties or storage facilities in a central location up to a maximum of distance of 1,500 kilometres..

Please refer to the program guidelines for details.

Program guidelines

Apply now

Before commencing your application, please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood the program guidelines. The version of the program guidelines published on the date you submit your application apply.

Please ensure you download and save, or print, a copy of the program guidelines for future reference.

The online application form has been designed to make the process as simple as possible. You will be required to upload digital copies of supporting documentation so please have these ready before commencing your application (refer to the 'What you will need’ section for details). We recommend you use the Google Chrome browser when applying.

Click on the link below to access the online application form.

Claim payment

It is recommended that you await the outcome of your application before submitting invoices. Once your application has been processed and pre-approved, an Assessment Officer will advise you of the process for claiming additional funds.

To lodge a claim, you will need:

  • BP reference number
  • ABN number
  • Case number from your original application
  • Tax invoices.

Please note, invoices to be claimed under this program must be submitted by the relevant close date listed on the Declarations webpage.

We recommend you use the Google Chrome browser when submitting a claim.

Frequently asked questions

Additional information about the Natural Disaster Donated Fodder Transport Subsidy can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions webpage.

Frequently asked questions

Need help?

If you have any questions about this program you can contact our team by calling 1800 678 593 or emailing rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au.

If you have difficulty understanding the guidelines or completing the application form you should seek the assistance of your rural/financial counsellor, business advisor, accountant or a trusted family member/friend. If you need assistance with interpreting or translating, please contact Multicultural NSW on 1300 651 500 or email languageservices@multicultural.nsw.gov.au.

If you are experiencing any issues completing the form, free confidential assistance is available from your local Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS). For more information, visit the relevant website or call:

Northern region: 1800 344 090
Southern and Central region: 1800 319 458