A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Natural Disaster Relief Loans for Small Businesses

Small business operators directly affected by a declared natural disaster may be eligible for a low interest loan of up to $130,000 to support recovery.

The concessional loans have a two-year interest and repayment free period and may be used for essential working capital for up to 12 months from the date of the disaster, to continue trading until normal income resumes and for replacements and repairs to damages caused to the small business as a result of the natural disaster.

Visit the Declarations page to check that your Local Government Area (LGA) has been declared for a natural disaster event.

Applications must be lodged by the relevant close date listed for the disaster event and your LGA on the Declarations page.

Please refer to the program guidelines for detail, including eligibility criteria:
Program Guidelines - Natural Disaster Relief Loan for Small Business 

Loan overview

Loan amount: 
$130,000 maximum.

Loan term
Up to 12 years (first two years are interest and repayment free).

Interest rate:
2023 Natural Disaster Declarations - 1.79% per annum
2024 Natural Disaster Declarations - 2.79% per annum

Fees and charges:
Security searches and registration fees will be applied.
There are no ongoing fees or charges.

Registered mortgage over the land.
Other security, including a mortgage from another person may be considered.
Download a Mortgagees Consent Form.

Refer to the Program Guidelines for detail, including eligibility criteria.

What you will need to apply

When you lodge an application for a loan, you will need copies of the following documents:

  • Signed Mortgagees Consent Form from your existing mortgagee (download a Mortgagees Consent Form)
  • Last three years balance sheets and financial statements of your business enterprise (these include profit and loss statements, trading account and depreciation schedules)
  • Last three years individual taxation returns and a current listing of all assets and liabilities held by each: Individual members of a partnership/family trust and individual director(s)/shareholder(s) of all companies
  • Trust deed (if applicable)
  • Monthly cash flow budget for the next 12 months (download a Cash Flow Statement Template)
  • Current LGA (council) rates and LLS rates notice(s) for property(s) where the work is to be completed.

Apply now

The online application form has been designed to make the process as simple as possible. We recommend that you have all scanned documents ready to upload before starting the process. We also recommend that you use the Google Chrome browser when applying online.

Frequently asked questions

Additional information about the Natural Disaster Relief Loan for small businesses can be found on our Frequently Asked questions webpage:

Frequently asked questions

Need help?

If you have any questions about the program, please contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA) by calling 1800 678 593 or emailing rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au.