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Rural Assistance Authority

Applications and claims are now closed

In accordance with the program guidelines, the Critical Producer Grant for severe weather and flooding that occurred from February 2022 onwards (AGRN 1012) is now closed to applications and claims.

You can download the program guidelines for reference below:
Critical Producer Grant - Agriculture Industry Guidelines
Critical Producer Grant - Horticulture Industry Guidelines
Critical Producer Grant - Aquaculture Industry Guidelines


Below are the industries that were eligible for the Critical Producer Grant:


  • Dairy - up to $100,000 per applicant
  • Extensive livestock (beef & sheep) - up to $75,000 per applicant
  • Intensive livestock (poultry & pork) - up to $50,000 per applicant
  • Broadacre cropping - up to $ $75,000 per applicant
  • Apiculture - up to $50,000 per applicant


  • Turf - up to $75,000 per applicant
  • Vegetables - up to $30,000 per applicant
  • Perennial tree crops - up to $75,000 per applicant
  • Other horticulture (fruit, berries, vine crops, cut flowers, plant nurseries etc) - up to $30,000 per applicant


  • Aquaculture - up to $30,000 per applicant
  • Commercial fishing - up to $30,000 per applicant


  • Private native forests and timber plantations - up to $10,000 per lease.

Local government areas

Below are the local government areas (LGAs) that were eligible for the Critical Producer Grant under natural disaster declaration AGRN 1012:

Armidale, Ballina, Bayside, Bega Valley, Bellingen, Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Byron, Camden, Campbelltown, Canterbury Bankstown, Central Coast, Cessnock, Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Cumberland, Dungog, Eurobodalla, Fairfield City, Georges River, Glen Innes, Goulburn Mulwaree, Hawkesbury, Hornsby, Inner West, Kempsey, Kiama, Ku-ring-gai, Kyogle, Lake Macquarie, Lismore, Lithgow, Liverpool, Maitland, Mid Coast, Mid-Western, Muswellbrook, Nambucca, Newcastle, Northern Beaches, Parramatta, Penrith, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Port Stephens, Queanbeyan Palerang, Richmond Valley, Ryde, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Singleton, Snowy Monaro, Strathfield, Sutherland, Tenterfield, The Hills, Tweed, Upper Hunter, Waverley, Willoughby, Wingecarribee, Wollondilly and Wollongong.

Milestones and Validation

Funding agreement

Critical Producer Grant applicants received a Funding Agreement upon approval of their application.


All approved Critical Producer Grant applicants were paid via milestones. Applicants were required to provide evidence of expenditure to validate all milestone payments.


If you submitted invoices to the RAA prior to midnight on 31 May 2024 to validate a milestone payment already made to you, your claim will need to be assessed and verified. Our team will advise in writing of the outcome of your submission.

For queries relating to the Critical Producer Grant claim or validation process, please contact us on 1800 678 593 or email us via rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au.

Frequently asked questions

A comprehensive list of questions and responses which relate to this program is available using the link below:
FAQs - Critical Producer Grant (February 2022 Floods)

Private Native Forestry and timber plantation operators

The Critical Producer Grant was also targeted at Private Native Forestry and timber plantation operators that were directly impacted by the severe weather and floods that occurred from February 2022 onwards.

For all information on the Critical Producer Grant for the forestry industry, refer to the Private Native Forestry and Timber Plantations Guidelines on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.