A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Andrew Moffatt

Contact details:

Name:Andrew Moffat
Mobile:0419 597 879
Mediations as mediator:1,400+
Mediations as co-mediator:3
Hourly fee:$800 + GST
Daily fee (7 hrs):$5,200 + GST
Fees are negotiable:Yes

Areas of experience:

  • Accountancy
  • Banking
  • Commercial
  • Company
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Finance
  • Property
  • Securities
  • Trade practices

Affinity with rural industries:

I am one of the most active mediators under the Victorian Farm Debt Mediation Act (FDMA), having mediated more than 110 farm debt disputes under Victorian FDMA since the scheme began in early 2012.

These have covered the broad range of agriculture activities, including sheep, dairy, wheat, wine grapes, table grapes, nuts, dry fruit, canning fruit and potatoes.

These mediations have included all of the major agricultural lenders and also equipment finance providers.

My commercial mediation practice also includes contractual disputes in the farming sector, allowing me to understand the broader challenges farmers often encounter.

My secondary schooling was in Bundaberg when my father worked in the sugar industry, giving me close exposure to farmers and the pressures they face.