A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

John Hertzberg

Contact details:

Name:John Hertzberg
Mobile:0417 715 755
Mediations as mediator:2,500+
Hourly fee:N/A
Daily fee (7 hrs):$3,000 + GST (6 hours)
Fees are negotiable:Yes

Areas of experience:

  • Accountancy
  • Administrative
  • Banking
  • Commercial
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Environment
  • Family
  • Finance
  • Property
  • Securities
  • Succession
  • Taxation
  • Tort
  • Trade practices
  • Trusts
  • Company
  • Industrial relations
  • Estates

Affinity with rural industries:

I have a broad understanding of rural industries and issues. I practised as a solicitor in regional NSW for over 30 years. Most of my clients have had a rural background. My practice included finance, agriculture including cattle (beef and dairy), and various crops including cane, macadamias and other orchards. I have advised clients on finance and refinancing negotiations.

My mediation practice has included a great many farm debt mediations and other mediations involving rural industries.