A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Nina Harding

Contact details:

Name:Nina Harding
Mobile:0408 447 525
Mediations as mediator:2,500+
Mediations as advisor:0
Mediations as co-mediator:20
Hourly fee:$350 + GST
Daily fee (7 hrs):$2,900 + Mediations
Fees are negotiable:Yes

Areas of experience:

  • Accountancy
  • Administrative
  • Banking
  • Commercial
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Environment
  • Family
  • Finance
  • Property
  • Resources
  • Securities
  • Succession
  • Taxation
  • Tort
  • Trade practices
  • Trusts
  • Company
  • Industrial relations
  • Estates

Nina Harding has 30 years experience resolving business and public interest disputes. Nina is a law graduate and has a Master of Laws. She has mediated over 2,500 disputes and is a nationally accredited Mediator and a recognised expert in the area of dispute resolution. Nina is a Harvard Law School trained mediator and a popular key note speaker on dispute resolution topics.

In addition to mediating disputes, Nina facilitates large meetings and also teaches Mediation and Negotiation Skills. Nina Harding is a Visiting Senior Lecturer at Hong Kong University. Nina is a former Senior Adjunct Lecturer at La Trobe University. Nina Harding is the Australian Film Code Conciliator, in this role she assists cinemas and movie distributors to resolve their disputes.

Nina is a member of several mediation panels including:

  • The Resolution Institute, Advanced Mediator Panel (since 2002)
  • Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, General Panel of Mediators
  • NSW Personal Injury Commission, Workers Compensation Mediator
  • Commonwealth Ombudsman, Panel Facilitator
  • Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Franchise Panel
  • Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Conciliator
  • Queensland Small Business Commissioner
  • Horticulture Mediation Panel (2007 – 2016)
  • Produce and Grocery Industry Ombudsman, panel mediator (2007 – 2014)
  • Australian Winegrape Purchases Code, Panel of Conciliators (2021 onwards)

For more information please visit www.ninaharding.com

Affinity with rural industries:

Nina has been on the NSW Farm Debt Mediator panel since its inception in 1995. She is also on the Queensland Farm Business Debt panel of mediators. She has mediated numerous disputes between farmers and banks. She has a caring, persistent and pragmatic approach to resolving disputes.

For several years Nina managed family sheep and cattle properties in southern NSW. She has managed the sale of several family farming properties and has an understanding of rural issues. Nina is the narrator of 4 RAA videos on Farm Debt Mediation.