A NSW Government website

Rural Assistance Authority

Frequently asked questions

The below FAQs specifically relate to the Natural Disaster Relief Loan for non-profit organisations.

What is the Natural Disaster Relief Loan?

The Natural Disaster Relief Loan is designed to support non-profit organisations impacted by a natural disaster, by providing a concessional interest rate loan that can be used for the restoration of essential facilities and equipment damaged or destroyed as a result of a declared natural disaster. This type of loan is offered to primary producers, small business operators and non-profit organisations.

Who can apply for the Natural Disaster Relief Loan?

To be eligible, the non-profit organisation must have been impacted by a declared natural disaster event and operate within a local government area that has been declared. Non-profit organisations must be voluntary and community supported, with services delivered at the local level.  Please refer to the program guidelines for detail of eligibility critieria.

How do I apply for the loan?

Applications for the Natural Disaster Relief Loan must be submitted online via the RAA website.

How long do I have to apply?

Applications are open for six months from the date of the natural disaster declaration. Refer to the Declarations page of the RAA website for closure dates.

Can I send in an application whilst waiting on information from my bank?

Yes, although your loan will not be assessed until your application is complete.

How much can I apply for and how long do I have to repay the loan?

A loan of up to $25,000 is available and the maximum loan term is 5 years.

What information do I need to provide with my application?

When you submit an application for a Natural Disaster Relief Loan, you will need to provide copies of the following documents:

  • Last three years’ balance sheets and financial statements of the enterprise (these include profit and loss statements, trading account and depreciation schedules)
  • Last three years’ individual taxation returns and a current listing of all assets and liabilities held by each individual member of the partnership/family trust and individual directors or shareholders of all companies.

You can download a Mortgagee Consent Form template and a Cash Flow Statement template on the program webpage, if required.

Non-profit organisations considering applying for a Natural Disaster Relief Loan should contact the RAA prior to submitting an application, to discuss exact requirements for the organisation. You can phone the RAA on 1800 678 593 or email rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au for more information.

Does a mortgage get taken over my property?

Yes. Loans are secured by a registered mortgage over land and not necessarily a first mortgage. Your bank must sign and stamp the lender’s consent form to support your application (if applicable).

What can the loan be used for?

The Natural Disaster Relief Loan can be used for the restoration of essential facilities, equipment or other assets damaged or destroyed as a direct result of a declared disaster as well as temporary storage or leasing of alternate premises.

How do I access the funds once approved?

Once all legal requirements have been completed, the RAA will fully draw down the loan and deposit it directly to the nominated bank account.

What is the interest rate and can my interest rate change?

A concessional interest rate is applied to Natural Disaster Relief Loans. The rate applicable at the time of loan commencement is published on the RAA website. The interest rate applied to the loan is fixed for the term of the loan.

How does the RAA protect itself against fraud?

The RAA has a strong commitment to fraud prevention, detection, and response. Making a fraudulent application, including providing false or misleading information is a criminal offence which carries a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment, or a fine of $22,000, or both.

The RAA will also attempt to recover any assistance received as a result of fraud. More information can be found on our Fraud and Corruption page.

Who can help with my application?

If you have any questions about this program you can contact our team by calling 1800 678 593 or emailing rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au.

If you have difficulty understanding the guidelines or completing the application form you should seek the assistance of your rural/financial counsellor, business advisor, accountant or a trusted family member/friend. If you need assistance with interpreting or translating, please contact Multicultural NSW on 1300 651 500 or email languageservices@multicultural.nsw.gov.au.

If you are experiencing any issues completing the form, free confidential assistance is available from your local Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS). For more information, visit the RFCS website or call:

Northern region: 1800 344 090
Southern and Central region: 1800 319 458